Today I had archeology for three hours, with a new professor, and took more notes than with the previous professor. We talked about how the architecture changed from roman influences into more middle age styles. This portion of the class will be mostly focuses on churches, but it's cool because we can go and actually see the architecture! It was nice to have a break after the first two hours, but three hours is still pretty brutal.
I have never been so excited for it to be 1 (13:00) in my entire life, except maybe when I got out early everyday my senior year of high school. I made some lunch, and headed home to catch up on some much needed sleep. Thursday was a very late night, and I slept from around 2:30 (14:30) until 7:30 (19:30). Gotta love napping in the middle of the afternoon.
When I woke up, I heard a lot of voices and decided to investigate. Grandpa, Grand-daughter, and her boyfriend were playing Boulle on the side of the house, while Grandma sat and watched. I proceeded to sit down and watch the festivities, and they even asked if I wanted to play. I declined because when we played in French Club, I failed epically. This later prompted a conversation with Jameson, since he loves to play it. Eventually, the son and his wife were also involved in the game, before the preparation for dinner began.
Dinner was awesome, even though I had to leave early to get to a play. It was homemade pizza made in a brick oven, which is situated in the driveway. How awesome is that? The pizza was really good, minus the olives. Every pizza in Provence has olives on it and I do not understand it, but to each his own. Soon it was time for me to leave and walk into town.
(Grandpa with the oven)
I had a ticket to a play called Papperlapapp, and it was playing in the courtyard of the Papal Palace. I found my seat and realized that all of the students from the Institute were seperated into two groups. I only sat through 1h30 of the play because it did not make any sense, and it started to rain. I seriously kept saying WTF every ten seconds or so. Oh well, it was free! I meet with the others who left early, ended up at a restaurant, and eventually walked home.(The stage)
On another note not related to France, today marked a year and a half of Jameson and I being together. It blows my mind a little bit, but hey it is awesome in it's own right. It is even more awesome considering the majority of it has been long distance. Anyways, it is awesome and hopefully September magically appears!

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