Ugh another double dose of history, 9 and 4(16:00). Honestly, I am over this class because it has drastically changed from the very beginning. The morning class was a lecture/video watching class period. The second class of the day was the first groups presentation and my presentation on the EU. When we chose these topics, I picked the lucky theme which meant I did not have to work with anyone. Earlier in the afternoon, I put together a quick little PowerPoint and rocked my presentation. I even gave people simple answers, when the answers were actually complicated. It felt to have already studied the EU, and that my independent study focuses on it next semester. I better get a good grade or I will be pissed.
So in between my two classes of history, I did a little bit of shopping. I was supposed to go see a play with Dawn, but when we got to the theater we could not get tickets without a reservation. We ended up making reservations for the show on Sunday, and I cannot wait to see it. Instead, shopping commenced to buy a few stable shirts and tanks. I also proceeded to buy two sets of the pens I have been using since I have been here, and an awesome planner. The planner starts on August 20th and goes until early August next year, and it has a lot of space to make sure I am super organized for my senior year. It will also make pledge week planning easier as well.
Finally, I made it home after a long wait for the 1 bus and had dinner before going out with the group. We meet up by the carousel, watched some street performers before getting some treats. Some of us went to the Italian Gelato place, and the others went to our crepe place. So yummy! Finally, we ended up at Les Celestines to get a few drinks and to see Benoit.

Benoit has been our server since our first Thursday out five weeks ago, and earlier today Maggie did a Google search on Benoit. One of the things he first told us, when we met him, is that he was an ice dancing and placed in the Juniors World. He was also on the French Olympic Team, but right before the Olympics he messed up his knee. Anyways, Maggie did a search, found articles and videos of our server. We finally know his last name, and are even friends with him on facebook. He is probably are only french friend, minus Chase's host brother Roman. An interesting Tuesday to say the least.
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