Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Twenty Nine

July 15th

So exhausted after the late night, and was not looking forward to having history at 9am. Once I arrived at the Institute, I just wanted to skip class and sleep the day away. I have no idea what actually happened in class because I ended up with a migraine, making it very hard to concentrate/pay attention. After class was done I made the executive decision to skip archeology because my head was killing me, and the medicine was kicking in. I ended up sleeping for 2h30, which was very nice and my migraine was almost completely gone.

Suddenly 2 (14:00) appeared and it was time to watch a movie for history. The movie was on the Algerian war, and it was two hours long. I honestly did not pay attention and just completed a doodle I began earlier in the week. My doodle is pretty sweet looking, and I cannot wait to color it once I am back in the States.

(My Pretty Sweet Doodle)

Finally, it was time to wait forever and a day for the bus. The 4 was not coming into town again, so we took the 1 home. The 1 bus actually takes us closer to our houses, which is pretty nice when it is super hot outside. I ended up napping until dinner, which once again was much needed.

After dinner it was a rush to get ready to go out with the group. Somehow we managed to meet Kong, Amanda, Maggie, Emily and Chase. It was decided to just get some crepes and walk to the Rhone. We ended up sitting on a dock, just talking and having a very relaxing night. I made it home before 1am which was amazing.

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