June 23rd
So, yesterday was not a very exciting day unfortunately. I am sure I will have plenty more non-exciting days as the program continues.
In case I have not mentioned this before, Brittany and I take the bus every morning because it is a thirty minute walk to school. We get on the 8:30 bus, in order to arrive for class at 9, and everything is going pretty normal. Suddenly the bus skips one of the stops, and makes a U-turn. I told Brittany we needed to get off the bus because who knows what will happen next. We hop off the bus with a few other people, and follow the normal bus route to get to school. I was freaking out thinking we were going to be late, and they definately frown on tardiness here. We eventually make it to school with seven minutes to spare. Pretty much everyone was rushing to class yesterday morning, yet some of those people were walkers not riders.
In history class, we finished up the introduction which commenced with the beginning of the end of World War II. After tying up some lose ends, we began to talk about the political system. My European Government class from a couple semesters ago, touched on this subject and it just makes me really excited. I believe I have a problem, I like to learn about political systems. (Go me for being a nerd!)
After history was my first architecture class, which was amazing. Tomorrow we are going on a field trip!!! I really do not have anything else to say about it, except that it is freaking amazing!!!
Like I said, yesterday was a pretty normal day.
You are a nerd. But I like it.