Wednesday I hopped on the TGV for Avignon, and the ride went smoothly. I made it off the train okay, and was introduced to my host family. M. et Mme. Duret are very nice, and very patient with me and my french. Since I have not used it very much I am a little rusty, but it is slowly coming back to me.
I meet their daughter in law, son, and their grand-daughter. The grand-daughter ate dinner with us, and she was very nice as well. I was also briefly introduced to the girl, who is living with the son. Her name is Brittany, and she is from Florida. After meeting the various family members, it was time for relaxation and bed. I have gotten used to going to bed around 10:30/11pm, since that is when my aunt and uncle would go to bed.
Thursday was orientation, and I meet some of the other students. Four of the students are from Carnegie Melon, but other than that everyone is from different places. A lot of the students travel pretty far to go to school, which I guess is pretty normal. So, after the mandatory orientation stuff, we crossed the Rhone and ate at a yummy restaurant. Then we were taken on a tour of the city, where I took a lot of pictures.
Once the tour was over, it was time for us to do whatever. I played on the internet and went with some of the other kids to a phone store, so they could get a phone or a SIM card. At 5:30pm, Brittany and I left with another girl to head back to our homes. It was very interesting to get back home and have my host family ask how my day was, what we had for lunch, ect. I then had time to relax before dinner, where we had some sort of tomato and tuna salad with cucumbers, then I think it was breaded zucchini. There was also chicken courdon blue, which I did not eat.
The one thing I find odd, is that the tv is on while we eat dinner and we watch one show called Plus Belle La Vie. It reminds me of a very bad soap opera. Around 9 or so everyone heads to their bedrooms to get ready for bed, and the process starts all over again the next day. Apparently they have the internet, yet my computer will not connect for some reason or another. I think their grand-daughter determined that their internet is not currently working, and they need to call the company to fix it.
So far everything has been going well, and I am kinda excited for my classes to start. I have class starting at 9am on Monday, which means I need to catch the bus at 8:20am to be on time for class. I think I finish around 4pm or so, but that is only on Mondays. Tuesdays I do not start until 1pm and go until 5pm. Oh well, that is the life of school. Hopefully I will explore the city tomorrow with some of the other students. I feel like I was born to enjoy the French lifestyle.
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